Friday, May 4, 2012

So, I went and had a sesamoidectomy.

If you're reading this blog, you've probably spent hours researching sesamoidectomies or sesamoid removal contemplating whether or not it's the right decision for you. I've experienced sesamoid pain for close to 8 years. Two and a half years ago I had an MRI and was diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the lateral sesamoid in my right foot and it was recommended that I have the bone removed. No one wants to rush into surgery, much less for a procedure such as this with relatively little information available post-operation. I would scour the internet looking for success stories or some vote of confidence to help sway my decision. Instead, I mostly found the horror stories of complications and/or incomplete blogs... So, I'm throwing my hat into the blogosphere to document my recovery both short-term and long, in the hope of helping others decide if a sesamoidectomy is the right decision for them.


  1. I would really like to speak to you as I believe I may need a sesamoidectomy. My foot is in constant pain due to AVN and I would love to ask you some questions

  2. Tibial sesamoidectomy in 2010 after a fracture that wouldn't heal. Wish I'd never had it done, but I also had necrosis of the capsule. PT was not as successful as it was nearly too painful to manipulate my toe. I hate that it's painful to walk and that I live on ibu 800s. I made it thru the police academy running on the side of my foot (I used to be a toe runner). Quality of life has changed considerably with osteoarthritis in my big toe joint. I really wish I could get a joint replacement- maybe someday.

  3. I had both sesimoids tsken out. The inner in May and continued to still have pain so the outter was taken out in Dec of same year. By Jan of next year my big toe had a huge knot on it, curled up, and I could only wear sandals or 1 pair of Nike.,I left the podiatrist and saw an ortho surgeon who told me you never take both out? I had a fusion of big toe in July. It has been I week I pray I made the correct decision.

  4. Any updates? Hope you are feeling ok.

  5. looks like you never completed a single thing you were going to
